PLEASE NOTE Automatons use a mysterious control component to explain their existence which cannot be understood, researched, or experimented on by members outside of a highly classified and specialised group within the IIC. This component is explained in this document as its background is required in other pieces of lore but the true nature of the automaton is obfuscated to the vast majority
Terma Discovery and Application
Automatons were first created by IIC scientists in the Thasalian isles while testing a series of substances found in the salt caves of Maiseit. One such substance, a strange dark-grey crystaline structure which decays in the presense of water was unique in its ability to manipulate basic electrical circuits when heated in a vapour-free vessel. With the application of this substance in a heated vessel which was fused in circuits of inputs and outputs of various experimental nature, the substance was capable of manipulating connections and repeating basic 'programs' created by the IIC scientists.
Later Adaptions
Following the successful initial trials of programmable Terma, the initial housing vessel was standardised into what is now known as the ACC (Automaton Control Component). The inputs and outputs continued to vary whilst testing the capabilities of the Automatons in practical settings from basic movements to more sensory-based obstical challenges. The amount of Terma within the ACC was shown to drastically effect the capabilities in the automatons in terms of following rudimentary programs to more fundamental problem solving abilities. The scale of Terma amounts were subsequently categoriesed into EC1, EC2, and EC3 types.
Terma Complications
The trials of the Automaton Control Component designs and Terma quantities lead to many discoveries and subsequent complications. Terma was discovered to somehow replicate itself while it was heated for extended periods of time applying pressure to its ACC housing which subsequently lead to many breaches, rapid Terma decay from steam exposure, and ultimately failed experiements. The housing had to be re-enforced and Terma growth mitigated through heat monitoring and ACC maintenance techniques. This however was the least of the problems for the scientists as it was discovered consistant Terma exposure lead to prolonged fatal illnesses. Many of the IIC personnel involved in the Terma extraction and ACC experiments died from Terma-related complications and few scientists remain from initial experimentation which lead to its current adopted name, Terma. The substance is so deadly that the Corsian Imperial Senate enacted a law prohibiting the unauthorised tampering of an ACC under the Civil Protection Act and even in some serious cases, treason.
Classification Status
Terma and all automatons have been classified as a HSR technology (High Security Risk) and is illegal to export in any form both by the IIC's internal governing body and the Corsian Empire. As such automatons are required to have authentic registration plates and ownership papers as well as be subjected to regulated maintenance by the IIC for the ACC. Due to the high risk and classification status of the Terma substance and ACC, the patents, documentation, and credit to those who discovered the technology are sealed documents unavailable to anyone outside of the IIC's Automaton Research Unit or High Council level of governance.
Automaton models vary according to their intended purpose yet most are owned by nobility due to their high cost and novalty where workers are substantially cheaper and easily replaceable. Some automatons are used in hazardous industrial applications by more ethical and wealthy businesses. In these more industrial applications, common automaton plating provides ample protection against potential debree and hazardous materials that often plague foundaries and dangerous mining operations. Although rarely used in combat due to their expense and slow movement, Automatons can be exceptionally skilled in ranged combat due to their hardy shielding capable of protecting against the majority of incoming projectiles and rigid structures in aiming. Their hard plating however reduces movement and subsequently they are quite slow and vulnerable in close range skirmishes
Despite their human-like movement and body, automatons are not believed to feel emotion and can come across as quite cold unless 'programmed' to mimick human emotion in a given set of circumstances. Some argue that automatons with higher EC ratings such as the less available EC-3 units, are capable of some emotional connections but this has not been substantiated with any study and IIC scientists deduce that this is the human counterpart projecting emotion upon a programmed responsive object rather than the Automaton facilitating any true emotion.
Political Standing
Few in the world question the treatment of automatons as they are often seen as a complex machine with no emotional capacity or self-awareness, although some more eccentric citizens have been known to debate this notion.
- Automatons are not granted free will and must always have an owner. If an owner is not identified, Automatons can be conscripted permanently by the Corsian military via the local government services or scrapped
- Automatons are not allowed to roam freely unaccompanied by their owner/supervisor without a special permission slip granted by official IIC maintenance officers.
- Automatons must undergo routine maintenance checks by official IIC maintenance officers
The Automatons simple requirements and low level maintenance, inability to experience pain, increased strength and exception from rights in comparison to their human counterparts, they are a great investment for the few who can afford them. Due to this many more well-off companies have started to replace their human and even potent workforce with an army of machines which has lead to tensions between lower class workers and automatons. Certain Corsian regions have become so affected by the rise of automaton workforces that they have enacted automaton free industry legislation to reduce the constantly increasing unemployment rate in the working class. Certain citizens nonetheless treat automatons with some respect and dignity as they can be seen as comforting companions.
Automaton Control Component - Automaton ‘Brain’
(Please note: This component and substance within is restricted to explain automaton processing capabilities and personality, it is not possible to have a player character research either of these technologies and materials)
The Automaton Computational Component (ACC) is quite possibly the most advanced and mysterious technology in the entire CorsiaVerse. The component has obtained a notorious reverence under the secretive scientific community comprised of an official collection of IIC scientists who have the privilege, and misfortune of utilising it.
Within the component is a rare thick black substance which in a refined state is capable of translating and transmitting direct current electrical signals upon the application of heat energy. It is also known to maintain a frozen state in the absence of heat energy and resume its previous state and processes with the reapplication of heat. The substance, known as Terma among the official collective of scientists, is a solid and hard substance which deteriorates rapidly when exposed to water more “natural” form. With specialised refinement techniques the substance is transformed into a semi-solidified goo which is attached to an array of electrically conductive plates to increase its capacity to transmit and translate electrical signals like organic brain matter.
The substance was named Terma after a string of deaths connected to its use. Terma has been known to produce some sort of energy which renders its victims with a deadly and often painful illness. As a result, experimentation of the substance has been restricted heavily and possession of the substance has become impossible.
For the ACC, Terma is inserted into a thick metallic sphere which nulls its mysterious deadly energy and protects it against water exposure. Small electrically conductive ports are displaced evenly around the sphere for input and output wires to other automaton components. The sphere is also directly heated by the funneling of steam from a “Flash Boiler” (disposable heat source). (See Flash Boiler)
In a critical automaton failure a faulty sphere can be penetrated by the steam of the flash boiler and lead to the disintegration of Terma. In such an incident the automaton’s casing is commonly capable of reducing Terma-energy exposure until the Terma has fully disintegrated however the automaton is rendered with permanent and often fatal damage.
Automatons intelligence and sentience is directly linked to the amount of refined Terma in the ACC. These are categorised by 3 sentience levels:
- EC-1: Denotes Human-Level sentience - Common in servant/household automatons as well as more customised expensive models
- EC-2: Domestic animal level of intellect - Often used for laborer automatons
- EC-3: Lowest level of sentience - Only able to understand a few commands
Over time EC-1 automatons will have cases of this substance swelling against the “brain‘ casing and subsequently will experience technical glitches towards the end of its life span. The swelling itself is responsible for the deterioration of the automaton’s functions and ultimately, it’s death however rare circumstances have been known to continue the mutation. (See [[Ascended]])
The ACC is only ever constructed by the IIC and is specially delivered to all automaton production industries including their own.
The base structure of the automaton is often considered the 'skeleton' which is made out of either steel or iron crafted to loosely resemble the human skeleton, with clips and frames for external panels as well as holders for various pipes and internal components. The durability of the 'skeleton' varies from model to model, a military automaton will customarily have a heavier and more durable frame with internal casing around the ACC, while smaller and more commercial automatons will have lighter and weaker frames.
For movement, an automaton will customarily be outfitted with a series of pistons according to its joints and movements. For more intricate though for smaller joints such as fingers, wires and pulleys may be used. Because of these pistons, silent moving is a large issue with many automatons bar the more expensive ones with sound any kind of sound suppression such as servants and military reconnaissance.
External Casing/Skin
Generally, an automaton will be outfitted with a casing that goes over its 'skeleton'. This casing can vary from basic iron plating over their main areas, to full plating angled to deflect attacks, to painted wood or porcelain to look like human skin. More often than not, worker automatons who are designed to do a job will look less human, and the automatons who are designed for social situations like serving their human masters will look more human.
Automatons usually come with the some sensory receptors such as sight, hearing, and balance, as well as communication ability via light shutters or pre-recorded audio responses. Their sensor complexity is based on their specialisation and are never given more than they require to reduce their cost. For instance, a worker automaton does not require complex audio response mechanisms and often use light shutters to indicate yes and no type responses. Some automatons are given more senses such as increased audio responses in the form of a specialised phonograph which uses a position mechanism controlled by the ACC.
Automatons require heat energy for the ACC to operate and therefore a steam producing boiler is common in many models. Although some larger models have been known to utilise coal fired furnaces, the most common boiler for the everyday and human-sized automaton is the Flash Boiler which utilises a heat producing Thermium powder reaction to produce steam. This reaction lasts for approximately two weeks before the boiler slows in steam production. (This type of boiler can be thought of as a heat producing battery commonly the size of a household gas bottle).
Some automatons have model-specific abilities, such as Airship Automatons have grippy hands. Though some automatons have had unofficial work done on them and have unknown abilities, these additions are commonly expensive due to the intricacies of existing automaton frames.
Automaton Types
This is a list of the common types of automatons that are made to suit a specific purpose, however there can be a many different custom automatons which are priced accordingly (Note: there is an additional cost for customised automatons as they are not produced in the larger industry factories).
Every automaton, though their owners may have given them a name, has a serial number which is stamped on the brain by the IIC. This serial number works in three sections:
- Job purpose (as initials)
- Creation date (ruler, year)
- Rank number
For example a worker automaton sold might be WLS-N1-08 (Worker- Local Sale, Nimrod IV, Number 8). Though most automatons do not know their serial numbers, and most owners do not either. The following is a list of automatons specializations:
All purpose working automaton (W)-200i
The most common automaton on the market, a well-rounded and commonly EC-2. They hold a moderate structure and power, used for everything from brick-laying to shipbuilding. These are the most reliable automatons a man could ask for.
Craftsman automaton (C)-250i (NFS)
A specialist of the W series, these automatons are used for very delicate tasks such as polishing gems, assembling wiring or copying manuscript. They will often have increased motor control in their hands and sometimes optic enhancements such as a zoom lens. These automatons are not as durable as the W series, and are best kept indoors.
Foundry automaton (F)-280i (NFS)
Designed to be a W series for more extreme environments, such as the heat of a foundry or corrosive gasses of a chemical plant, the F series comes with heavier plating and structure. Along with a stronger body, the F series often comes with extras such as inbuilt welding torch or other equipment. Given their large and heavy frames, the F series are not at nimble as the W's. They’re commonly found in both EC-3 and EC-2 depending on the complexity of their job.
Airship automaton (A)-300i (NFS)
Being much thinner and lighter than its W series cousin, the A series is used as either an airshipwright or as crew on board one. These automatons have better reflexes than its cousin and feature slight grip on their digits which allows them to cling to near sheer surfaces for a time. These automatons are not has strong as the W series, and therefore cannot do very heavy lifting.
Military soldier automaton (MS)-400i (NFS)
This is the most common military automaton built for front line assault. Holding a heavier frame than a W, but with less movement impediment due to its enhanced Flash Boiler. These automatons consume far more heat than W's, needing replacement boilers every two days, and being less able to act on their own accord with an ACC level of EC-2 (to lower the risk of insubordination).
Military gunner automaton (MG)-420i (NFS)
Constructed to operate ship cannons or artillery, these automatons are mostly used as a C series in military zones as they have less plating than a MS, but have higher motor control skills.
Military reconnaissance automaton (MR)-490i (NFS)
Used for long range stealth missions, this automaton has a very light-weight frame and strong hands for gripping. This automaton can take very little damage and is not meant to be in direct combat. These models also tend to have long range viewing upgrades.
Medical automaton (CM)-420i
- Meant to assist a human doctor or as first-aid, the CM series has a W's frame with a more human appearance and specialized medical components like a scalpel, bandages or potion dispenser. These automatons are quite common in hospitals, however some of the rich have their own private CM's
Police automaton (CP)-350i (NFS)
The CP series is like an MS for civil purposes. This automaton has a truncheon instead of a rifle, holds a more human appearance and has a specialised audio responses including an alarm.
Shopkeeper automaton (CS)-325i
Having the same frame as the C series, these automatons should not be kept in harsh weather. These autos are often made to keep shop-fronts or warehouses and excel at calculations and arithmetic and are sometimes used as research assistants by scientists.
Domestic Serving
Servant automaton (DS) >600i
Usually found only in the possession of the rich due to their price, DS's are considered a jack-of-all-trades automaton with good durability, high level of intelligence, comforting appearance, good nature and useful sensors. However due to their complexity these automatons are rather high maintenance requiring more frequent and costly checkups, which is often not a problem for their rich masters.
Musical automaton (EM)-500i
Used to operate musical instruments, the EM series holds a C's frame with the plating removed and replaced with fine coatings, and have a higher level of intelligence than a C series. These are often used as a replacement for a DS or CS.
AMB0 automaton-550i
The precursor to the W series, these automatons were discontinued long ago and may still be seen on the streets of Irongate, though seldom. The rich will often own these automatons for their glitchy personality. Due to the rarity of these automatons, they will fetch a good price at auction.
Designer automatons >600i
Very expensive indeed, these automaton rigs are created by private, yet officially recognised companies to serve as bodyguards for their masters and often come in the likeness of exotic and mythical beasts. These autos will follow their master's every command without hesitation.
Legal Information
Known Troubles
Blackmarket automatons are known to be sold in some shady regions of Corsia. As these are highly illegal, they are commonly sold at an expensive price with a range of exotic and unofficial customisations however poor quality materials and construction has lead to a shortened lifespan in many of these automatons.
Automatons for the purpose of dueling has also become common among black market purchases with many illegal fighting rings popping up throughout the lower class areas of Corsia. Automatons in these rings fight other automatons to the death for entertainment and betting. These events are particularly risky due to Terma energy exposure for spectators if the ACC unit is punctured in the fight with either automaton's low quality casing additions.
Automaton Ownership Law
Some laws have come about to restrict automaton owners as to what they can do with their automaton for the safety of the general public.
- It is illegal to tamper with an automaton’s systems, with particularly harsh penalties regarding the alteration of the ACC. All alterations and repairs to the ACC should be conducted by an official IIC maintenance officers however other components can be repaired by officially recognised automaton specialists.
- Automaton’s must be provided with the knowledge of ownership and persons of authority at all times
- It is illegal to sell Automatons via unofficial vendors
- Civilian and industry owned automatons are not permitted to dispose of other automatons or murder persons
- It is illegal to partake in the betting, endorsing, and spectating of Automaton duels
- Automatons are not permitted to roam freely without an authorised person (owner or supervisor) unless a written permit is provided by an IIC maintenance officer. They may also roam freely on private property if it is owned or occupied by an authorised person OR if they are completing a task assigned by their supervisor/owner with the property owner's permission